Sunday, July 16, 2006 at 3:00 PM
SUP! (:today is quite a fabulous day! :D
but a little bad la. about me throwing my temper. bad bad. gtta change!
ok, today woke up at 2pm. =X hah. den my mama was like, change and go with me to pp, singtel. den im like huh.. ok. den went lo. pulled alicia along with me. haha. den we went there. den get the phone le. den went to cold storage. saw this sissy. damn scary. woo, then ppl keep looking at us. like so weird. there's this girl. she was like blocking my way, but i dodged from her alrdy she still hit my B******. den she still have the cheek to turn back and look at me. She even stared. Like, do you think its fair? totally not. And i was in a hurry so i did not bother. lol. anyways, back to the picture. After that we went back. then alicia came to my place to eat steamboat. TOM YAM FLAVOUR! Fiery. haha. den i was pissed over my sister and her. cos i kept asking them to come and eat, and they keep saying later but the steamboat was alrdy boiling. and i was like," i dont care u all le la, u all want you all go eat la." slams door! =X den i ate with my dad. den alicia talked to me again. many stuff.. im her counsellor now. :D den sent her to take cabby. i studied. did housework. ok, im a real good girl! *ANGEL* hee. ^^ den discussed with jesper the phone thingy. we friends so long le, cant believe of something. nvm, shall not say it here. cos today im an angel. (: after that, so many happy things happened! (: especially sth real important to me. hee. den played piano. ok, i love this song, " forbidden love" love it to the core! i kept playing over and over again. i practised and im better at it already. who wants to be the first honoured person to hear? sorry, its reserved! (: ok, take care ppl. ADIOS! ^^
di emgilses gyqohu zdlemabr.
dlcomvne dyaoxu fswo mquacsh!